Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback is a process that assists patients in learning how to facilitate unconscious processes in becoming more conscious and hence increase their control over their mind and body.  It is a process that uses computerized technology to increase ones psychological control over their physiology.  Patients learn through watching physiological traces on a screen to increase their control over their heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, temperate GSR skin conductance, and brain waves.  As the patients physiological traces change, they are given feedback about what the changes are either through an auditory form or visual queue on a computer screen.

This allows them to more effectively manage daily stress. Traditional biofeedback is also known as peripheral biofeedback.  It focuses primarily on physiological traces from the neck down to the bottom of the feet.

Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback traditionally refers to biofeedback conducted with brain waves.  There are a number of different wave frequencies in the brain.  Slower brain waves are associated with relaxation and imagery.  Faster brain waves are associated with stress, phobias, trauma and ADD/ADHD.  Neurofeedback assists the patient in gaining significant control over their own brain wave frequencies.  This in turn helps to increase and even eliminate their symptomatic patterns of stress, anxiety, phobias and PTSD.  They are also able to manage ADD/ADHD symptoms.  Neurofeedback can also be used to treat depression.  There is significant research that shows biofeedback is a successful treatment modality for generalized anxiety disorder, anger, panic disorder, PTSD, general muscle tension, phobias, depression and ADD/ADHD.  We recommend that biofeedback be used in conjunction with other established forms of psychotherapy and mental health treatment and that it only be utilized by licensed mental health clinicians who have been properly trained in its use.

Comprehensive Treatment Clinic

                                   Providing assessment and treatment for addictive and trauma disorders as well as general mental  health problems


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